How to Identify the Sensitive Periods of a Child’s Development by Following the Montessori Theory

A newborn that’s moving towards age six is passing through the most sensitive periods. It’s that part of the child’s developmental phase when he gets past many growth miles stones beside exploring several scopes of opportunity. The principal heads of sensitive periods that the child covers during these initial six years involve social skills, sensory skills, language skills, movements, and maintaining order. The Montessori Theory demonstrates how these periods stretch for as long as a child takes to pass through that stage of development. Once the primary objective of that phase is achieved, the temporary sensitivity associated with that particular phase fades away.

A child manages his emotional balance more effectively when he doesn’t feel any disturbance while passing through the acute phases of sensorial development:

Getting Things in Order

The various developmental stages of a child help in improving his reasoning skills. It even helps them in identifying with the environment and processing all information that they acquire. Children begin craving for structure and routine when they long for repetition and consistency. This is how you explain their sensitivity to order. During this phase, kids are more inclined towards arranging things than spending time with toys.

Language Skills

The period of acquiring language skills is also quite sensitive for children. Reading, writing, and speaking comprise of 3 critical phases of language sensitivity in children that are up to 6 years of age.

Sensory Skills

The process of refining senses in children begins since the time they’re born, and it continues till they turn six years of age. The way a child fascinates his sensorial feelings like that of sight, taste, smell, and touches signify an intense phase of sensitivity. Children between three to six years begin developing their sensorial awareness.

It might even be easier for you to identify the sensitive periods throughout the developmental phase of your child. A child may wish to listen to the same old song on multiple occasions thereby signifying a few classic instances of sensitivity. Compulsion, deep concentration, obsession, and mimicry are qualities that play a crucial role in your child’s development during these sensitive periods. So, it’s essential that you keep an eye on them.

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