Aspiring Professionals Teacher Training Institute


Our tutors and course developers has years of teaching experience and are all experts in their individual domains.

Courses developed and tutor support given by Experienced Teachers

AP Teachers Training Institute deals international teacher training courses with updated curriculum and a global edge. Each course for Pre and Primary Teachers Training Course to Special Education Courses are developed by teachers who are highly educated in these fields and has years of experience in these fields.

The profile of the course developers are given below:

Apart from the experienced course developers we also have highly trained and experienced tutors who help all our students in completing their course successfully. The students can call, mail or message tutors or mentors during their course to get guidance and problems solved.

TEFL Students can to talk to our Academic Director Mr. Wayne Duplessis for any clarrifications.

All students can have scheduled call with our Founder and CEO - Frank Moffatt.

All students can contact our tutors via email which will be replied within 24 hours (expect weekends)

Tutors are also available on Skype/Whatsapp as per the working hours in Canada, Indonesia and India.


  • Latest Course materials developed by the Experienced Teachers having experience over 25 years
  • Tutor Support given by best and experienced teachers in their own field.
  • Worldwide presence of the company
  • Certificate accepted worldwide

APTTI is proud to be
Institutional Partner / Member / Associate / Accredited

AP Teacher Training Accreditiations and Memberships

APTTI Institutional Partners

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